Advanced Stories for Comprehension, Oleh L.A Hill [Katalog Buku]

Advanced Stories for Comprehension
Image Source: Self Access Learning Centre (SALC)

Nama Buku: Advanced Stories for Comprehension
Nama Pengarang: L. A. HILL
Penerbit: P.T Pustaka Ilmu
Tahun Terbit: 1986
Tentang Buku:
In his earlier series of prakties books, Dr. Hill has used three levels, his elementary (1000-headword), intermadiate (1500-headword) and advanced (2075-hedaword) levels. Inthis new series, there is also another level, the introductory (750-headword) level. This book is at the 2075-headword level.

Each story is about 150 words long, and some of the stories contain one or two words outside the grading. These are listed on the pages on which they appear, and can be looked up in adictionary before work is begun. All the level are very carefully graded, and this covers not only vocabulary, but olso idioms and grammar.

These four book are intended chiefly to help student read english more easily and which more comprehension, but they can olso be used:
(i)                 For praktis in understanding spoken english (with the student listening to the teacher or to the cassette)
(ii)              For practice in writing english (by answering the questions in member, and by doing the exercises)
(iii)            For improving the student’s command of vocabulary, idioms, and grammar (again by doing certain of the exercises)
If the student wishes to uses the books only for practice in reading comprehension, he/she should read a story and the than answer quetion in his/her mother-tongue.

He/she can olso try reading some (or all) of the quetion first, and then reading the story to find the answers to the quetions before answering them. To increase speed of reading, the student can time himself/herself with a watch and clock, and try to read as fast as possible, provided that he/she can still understand.

If the students wants to used this book for practice for understanding spoken english, he/she can used the cassette in the following ways:
(i)                 He/she can listen to the cassette one or more times (with his/her book open or closed, as he/she wishes) and then read the story aloud himself/herself, at first in chorus with the voice in the cassette, and then alone. After his/her own reading alone, he/she can check his/her performance by listening to the cassette again
(ii)              He/she can listen to the cassette one or more time, with his/her book closed, and then write down as much of the story as he/she can remember, and/or answer the quetions and do the exercises ( all without looking at the story). If he/she writes as much of the story as he/she can remember. He/she can then look at the story in the book, or listen to it again on the cassette, to compare wat he/she has written with the original
Method (i) give practise in speaking with a good pronunciation, including stress, rhythm, and intonation
Method (ii) gives practise in aural comprehension (Listening and understanding)
